Psalm 11:3 Desert Light Christian Church November 15th, 2020 Pastor Eric Villanueva
Pentecost Sunday!
There were 120 people there—a small group—of Jesus’ disciples who were there. They had been told to wait, in Jerusalem. They had not been told how long they would have to wait. It wasn’t even clear to them what they were waiting for, but they were waiting on a party; they were awaiting the birthday party of the New Testament Church!
Reference: Acts 2, Verses 1 through 4.
Building Up What Sin Broke Down, Part One:
Nehemiah had a vision for
Jerusalem. A city whose
walls were up and gates
were functioning. He
never took his eyes off of
The Gift of Marriage for Christmas:
Christmas is about a Christ-Centered Home, Pure and Simple.
God chose two people in transition from singleness to married life as the ones who would would cooperate with Him in His plan to invade this planet with His physical presence.
The Monster Magi and Messiah, Part 2:
Jesus is inexhaustible. The
amazing meaning of the incarnation (that means becoming flesh) of the Son of God is something one could never fully explore.